Malaysia is Building a New City Near Singapore
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MALAYSIA is currently building a new economic region across the Johor Strait, which separates it from Singapore.
Called Iskandar Malaysia, the development consists of about 60 projects, the biggest of which is Forest City (shown in the video above). The scheme will come to house 700,000 people across four artificial islands once completed.
Above: An aerial diagram of the Iskandar Region, showing Forest City at the bottom left and Singapore at right (image courtesy of Sasaki Associates).
Forest City's construction started in February 2016 and is expected to take between 20 and 30 years to complete. The total investment is expected to exceed USD $107 billion, creating up to 220,000 jobs in the region.
Above: Forest city is planned to provide access to green infrastructure and public promenades (image courtesy of Sasaki Associates).
It is built using smart city principles, with particular attention being paid to traffic and transit, green infrastructure and green public spaces such as waterside promenades, parks and mangrove forests.
Iskandar region benefits from its proximity to Singapore, and has already enticed a number of companies to relocate or open new offices there as commercial and residential space is cheaper in Malaysia.
Above: The first phase of the project is already under construction (image courtesy of Southern Corridor Malaysia).
The first phase of Forest City comprises 396 hectares of the total 1,386 hectare area.
Each of the islands will be specialised - the first phase will focus on attracting high-tech industry, the second will feature a central business district and tourism.
Above: The first island will focus on attracting high-tech industry (image courtesy of Southern Corridor Malaysia).
Financial services will be located on the third island, and the final phase will provide space for a convention centre.
Above: The city is meant complete within 30 years (image courtesy of Sasaki Associates).
The project is being financed by Country Garden Holdings, one of China's leading real estate developers while the infrastructure is provided by Malaysia's state of Johor.